Title: Rose & Camellia Collection
Release Date: Sep 19, 2023
Category: Adventure
Publisher: PLAYISM
Type: eShop
Format: NSP
Title ID: 0100C2601A33E000
Title Size: 1.56 GB
Language: En, Fr, De, It, Es, Ja, Ko, Zh, Tw
Required Firmware: 16.0.3
CFW: 16.0.3 + Atmosphere 1.5.4
Rose & Camellia Collection / Roses and camellias ~luxurious edition~ (薔薇と椿 ~お豪華絢爛版~) NSP The battle of women is in full bloom like a flower, andthe storm of slapsis settled on Nintendo Switch.
Base Game NSP USA (1.62 GB)